Why BELOVED? There are literally thousands of churches in the San Diego area and thousands of thousands of churches online. Why would someone choose BELOVED? A church without a building? A church without a Praise Band? A church without a single committee to its name?

I’ve been asked that question many times. It usually comes right after the question, “Where is your church?” To which I always answer, “Right here. Where I am standing. Wherever our people are engaged in one another, with you, and with the world. That’s where BELOVED is.”

For me, the answer to “Why BELOVED?” is very simple . . . “Because we are one of one. We are what other churches are not.” While I am aware of a few congregations across the United States looking for a more interactive, more personal, more “sinking deep into God’s presence” way of being followers of Jesus, BELOVED is wholly unique!

  • That uniqueness is received immediately upon entering any BELOVED gathering by a palpable feeling of being “seen, heard, and held” by compassionate care from within and without.
  • That uniqueness is expressed immediately upon leaving any BELOVED gathering as participants are compelled from within to take some concrete action to ease the suffering and promote the flourishing of one of God’s beloved children . . . even themselves.
  • That uniqueness is proven by all who have come to us with deep spiritual wounds inflicted by “the church” and find healing and reconnection with Jesus community and the BELOVED One who claims us as beloved.

On this page you will find short video recordings of some in BELOVED’s community answering the question, “Why BELOVED?” I hope their words will give you a better sense of why BELOVED is so unique. And for those of you suffering from spiritual wounds, I pray their experiences will inspire you to risk an encounter with a unique gathering of Jesus’ followers and to take a leap of faith knowing you will be caught by a forgiving, embracing, and forever compassionate God. 

​And remember: You are beloved! God delights in you!